
Cospicon SA is a company with 40 years experience in production of high quality, innovative outdoor roof systems. All these years we have been making sure that life on the balcony, the patio, the garden is made even more enjoyable.


Architecture If you wish to take advantage of the outdoor space of your home to use it continuously, we have the perfect solution !!!

If you wish to take advantage of the outdoor space of your home to use it continuously, we have the perfect solution !!!

Bioclimatic pergola CospiBio is the most innovative way to create smart living spaces that integrate with nature.

It has a special design that can control indoor and outdoor temperature and create the ideal temperature and lighting by managing sunlight. At the same time, it creates a spacious and comfortable environment by optimizing the air flow.

Combining aesthetics, functionality, energy efficiency and environmental benefits, the CospiBio climate pergola offers a comfortable, smart and environmentally friendly living space.

Operates with remote control, sensors and automation systems.